FlipGive Stories Team Spotlight

How Coach Andrisani turned his FlipGive page into a $1000 operation

May 24 2018

It's all about getting the team started - and explaining in-person works way better than an e-mail.

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

The Missisauga Blackhawks Hockey Association has almost 200 members – and spans players from the ages of 8 to 21. It’s early in that journey that the young players meet John-Paul Andrisani.

“I am the head coach of the 2009 born Missisauaga Blackhawks AA team,” said John-Paul. “These kids will all be future leaders in the community in whatever field they aspire to be in.”

John-Paul seems to always be looking ahead, seeing a bigger picture. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate the hundreds of little moments being involved in sport provides.

“I love teaching the kids about the game of hockey and the valuable life lessons that come from participating in a competitive team sport,” said John-Paul.

That being said, the cost involved can be a barrier for some – and that’s where FlipGive comes in. The 2009 Blackhawks earned $944 this year, which went a long way to offsetting costs and making the team more accessible to everyone. Of course, the coach is looking ahead.

“I am excited about FlipGive and the possibilities it opens for fundraising for our 2009 born kids,” said John-Paul. He’s got a plan for next year, and some tips for other coaches trying to make this work for them.


A tip from the Coach - Present in-person

“Explain and show visually to your parent group just how easy it is to generate funds for the kids from everyday shopping,” said John-Paul - he showcased the page to his group in-person. A great starting off point is with our team handouts, which make a great prop for a presentation at a parents’ meeting. After that it’s just a matter of getting the word out. “...then just invite friends and family to join your team, and share your page on social media,” John-Paul advised.

When people ask 'what's the catch?' they're expecting it to be fees, or some other hidden cost. The truth of the matter is FlipGive is a free service for the fundraisers (it's the retailers who keep our lights on)... So that means 'the catch' is getting the parents on board. We've found an in-person presentation allows the parents to ask any questions and understand how it works.

So what to do? Take a page out of John-Paul's playbook, and show off the page at the next team meeting.

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Want even more tips? Our fundraising coaches have been taking top tips from successful coaches for you to use. Book a call to chat with a fundraising coach here, and benefit from their knowledge!

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