Ever wondered whether you can continue to use FlipGive when the season ends and your team closes? Big news, you can now earn all year long using your Personal Account. At FlipGive, we love love, love(!) this feature. Elizabeth Gladney, our VP of Marketing (and full-time hockey mom), tells us how she’s using her Personal Account and how it’s helping her get a head start on the upcoming season.
Tell our Readers about how you use FlipGive
My son plays hockey at a fairly competitive level. Between association fees, equipment, training camps, and tournaments, we’re in for about $5000/year (and, I know many families who spend even more to support their kids' activities). The reason our hockey team loves FlipGive is because we don’t have time for “traditional” fundraising. Most parents on our team work out of the home and have to balance practices schedules, school commitments… there’s not much time left for bake sales and raffle ticket selling. For us, FlipGive is a no brainer. We all spend money on gas, groceries and kids clothes so if we can raise money on our shopping, why wouldn’t we want to do that?
And, what’s the deal with the Personal Account?
Last season, our team earned a lot using FlipGive. But it seemed a shame that we stopped earning back on our shopping just because the season ended and our FlipGive team closed. The reality is, I don’t stop shopping after playoffs. I’ve grown accustomed to shopping from the app and felt like I was missing out on raising money after the team closed.
Why do you think our Members will love this new feature?
Every little bit of cash back helps you. If, like most people, you shop in your off-season, it seems silly to forego all the cash you could be earning for your next team. There’s also something to be said about starting next season’s team with a head start. I’m excited to be able to transfer my summer earnings to my team when they start up next fall. The other parents will be more motivated to join the team and shop and earn if the ball is already rolling.
How have you used it?
The one thing I love the most about this feature is that I didn’t need to do anything to use it (No sign ups, no set-ups). Your Personal Account is already all set up and ready for you to use when your team closes. I am able to use FlipGive exactly the same way I always have with my team, except the money goes directly to my Personal Account.
Can you withdraw your funds from your Personal Account?
No. The money you earn in the off-season is exclusively meant to be transferred to your next team. You can earn funds on your Personal Account but you must transfer them to a Team of your choice in order to be able to withdraw.
What happens with your funds when you need to create a new team?
That’s when the fun part happens! When it’s time to raise for a new team, you can transfer the funds from your Personal Account to the team of your choice in one click.