FlipGive Stories Fundraising Tips

How community groups are embracing digital fundraising

Apr 28 2020

Scouts, Guides, and other Community Groups are embracing digital fundraising

FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze. Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.

Did you know that there are hundreds of local community organizations raising money on FlipGive? Check out some of the great ideas we are seeing.


Lots of charities and non-profits are using FlipGive – after all, their supporters shop online too. What better way to give a little extra (without any extra cost), than by having a portion of your shopping earning funds for the cause you care about? There are lots of causes, from ground-level fundraisers for Hospital Foundations, to a ‘Raise the Roof’ campaign for a local community centre.



Neigborhood improvement

Even non-profits who don’t have charitable status are still finding FlipGive a valuable tool in their arsenal of ways to earn funds. You don’t need to be a registered charity on order to use FlipGive. And that’s great news, because there are lots who are using us. A community group trying to put in a playground, or a garden, are all examples of groups taking advantage of our platform to get that much closer to their goal.



Whether they’re raising for the Word Scout Jamboree, or raising closer to home, there have been lots of troops who have been using FlipGive as an addition to their other sources of income. Whether they were raising for a Hawaii trip, or a trip into the nearby woods, we’re happy to be a part of it all! If you ask us, we consider it a… badge of honour.



Guide Troops on FlipGive run the gamut – from Pathfinders all the way up. The sense of community really lends itself to FlipGive’s platform, and is a great way to raise across the whole family without having to go door-to-door.



Animal Rescues

We’re not overly surprised to see animal shelters and animal rescues as a major source of FlipGive love and support – after all, many people consider their pets to be another set of children. We are happy to see so many adorable pictures on the team pages.


What are you waiting for?

If you need a way to earn funds from the shopping you're doing already, you need a FlipGive page!

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